Open letter to LG PRE ANCCE This petition will be sent to LG PRE ANCCE September 1 2018. You may be anonymous

Open letter to LG PRE ANCCE requesting access to stud book services for all Swedish PRE breeders and owners  

In regard to the current situation with the Swedish Pre association and stud book services, we, a number of PRE breeders and owners, need the option to contact, pay, and request stud book services directly with LG ANCCE PRE in Spain.

We need the possibility to request stud book services directly with LG PRE in Spain, as we could in 2017 and breeders in Finland, Norway, Germany and Denmark can. We can only see the current situation as a discrimination against Swedish PRE- owners and breeders, as we are forced to use slower and much more expensive stud book services than breeders in our neighbouring countries, both in and outside of the EU.

Because of this situation we are also forced by the Swedish association to pay double VAT, both in Spain and in Sweden, despite the EU norm of only paying VAT in the country where the service is performed.

From July 2017 to January 2018 Swedish PRE- owners and breeders contacted LG ANCCE PRE directly to request and pay for stud book services. THIS WAS A HUGE IMPROVEMENT both in cost and efficiency from previous years having to go through a Swedish collaborating association. We also much appreciated the quick, polite and professional service provided by the staff at LG PRE. Many of us happily took this improvement as the new future, some of us finally registered as breeders and owners and started to plan ahead.

Unfortunately, since January 2018, we now stand with foals and horses we wish to register and get approved for breeding, change ownership etc. but with the access to services closed. We do not see the Swedish collaborating association as a viable option, due to a complete lack of trust on our part. These are the same people as previous years have failed to provide a good situation and service for Swedish PRE breeders and owners. In our opinion they do not provide service to us in an unbiased and undiscriminating manner, based on their earlier, proven, track record.

We do not ask the contract with the Swedish association to be cancelled, if others wish to use their services. We only ask for the LGPRE to give us the possibility to request services and pay for them directly, as other PRE breeders and owners can.