Vi Stödjer Polisen Med Hårdare Försvar!


/ #158

2013-05-27 08:29

My parents fled in 1956 from Hungary. They fled imprisonment, communism and a life without much prospect for their 2 daughters, one 4 yrs young and the other not yet 1 yr young. We moved 27 (!!!!) times within 14 (!!!!) yrs. Talk about STABILITY, CONTINUITY. We had practically no monetary support from Austria to build up a new life. It would NEVER have crossed our minds to NOT become part of the Austrian culture, to learn the language on our own!!!, to fit into society OR to vandalize possessions of the people who took us in. We were NOT PRIVILEGED as "invandrare" these days are in a rather unhealthy way. Sweden, like many other "social" countries, MUST learn to have HEALTHY boundaries and SOUND and JUST ways of dealing with "invandrare" who MUST, there simply is NO QUESTION about that!, do THEIR SHARE of "bli integrerat" into Swedish society. Sweden has done MORE than is good and healthy to welcome "foreigners' into one's own HOME-country and SADLY has put her OWN people DOWN.
LIFE IS HARD WORK - whether you are a NATIVE or a FOREIGNER !! and has to do with MUTUAL (!!!!)RESPECT and COURAGE to insist on MUTUAL respect.