

More then 25 years there , a legendary place for people to enjoy life , culture and musical art
I don’t see cause of one person , a great place like this have to disappear??🤷🏻‍♂️

Marco Bailey (Kortenaken , 2023-01-12)


Favorite club in Belgium ! Such a same for the culture

Maude Fink (Genappe, 2023-01-12)


It’s important for the city Im a neighbor of the fuse very close and it doesn’t bother me at all.

Sylvain Laborde (Brussels , 2023-01-12)


Emblématique, faudra carrément le classé. Voisins n'ont qu'à se déplacer, ce n'est pas nouveau.

Gerry Rooms (Schaerbeek , 2023-01-12)


This is the most iconic place in Brussel to go out! Don't take this away from me

Gianni Giglio (Anderlecht, 2023-01-12)


Fuse is a great place to enjoy the music where people can unite

Brigita Sabutyte (Ixelles, 2023-01-12)


One neighbour that moves next to Belgium’s most legendary night club complains and wins against a WHOLE bunch of people including employees, worldwide artists and visitors. Why is everything always so difficult when it comes to culture and music and living the life ? If there were noise because of construction works, nothing would have changed !! Accepting this, is killing culture.

Seyma Camuz (Bruxelles, 2023-01-12)



Lionel Devillers (Pont-àCelles, 2023-01-12)


Because it is ridiculous that a club that exists for almost 30 years have to close because some idiot bought a house near a nightclub….

Frederique De Meirel (Antwerpen, 2023-01-12)


I want to keep going to fuse!!!

Phil Crutchlow (Bury St. Edmunds, 2023-01-12)


I am against closing clubs 🎶💯❤️

Els Eleanor Vancompernolle (Oostende, 2023-01-12)


All those souvenirs
Dont buy a house or an appartement next to a club if you can’t handle the music

Robrecht Van Bambeke (Tervuren , 2023-01-12)


Don’t do this ! Not only you’ll be shutting down a place and pain all it’s community but you’ll also be turning you’re back on the crazy amount of money, tourism, culture, long lasting good memories and joy it’s generating for it’s neighborhood and the whole center of Brussels. I’m sure this place has been there longer than the people that are complaining about it, as buyers/locators they should of known what they were getting involved in since the beginning.

Séta Mingorance (Brussels, 2023-01-12)


Don’t boycot nightlife

VL Klaas (Lede, 2023-01-12)


We need clubbing

Sabine Craenhals (Halle, 2023-01-12)


this is my favorite nightclub ever

Martin Peclers (Braine le Château , 2023-01-12)


This iconic club can't just close because of a neighbor who bought consciously a few years ago his apartments adjacent to a dance club that exists for 30 years already and that is an institution on the international scene!

Fabian Pynaert (1090, 2023-01-12)


A Club like this must remain open, it's now a part of Brussels history, first club qi went to... for the love of electronic music !

Cedric Fripiat (Bruxelles, 2023-01-12)


Fuse has to stay open

Pieter Hombroux (Tienen, 2023-01-12)


This is the most legendary club in brussels

Johannes Fraeyman (Gent, 2023-01-12)


Le Fuse est plus qu’un club, c’est une institution, c’est notre patrimoine culturel !!!

Renaud Wallez (Bruxelles , 2023-01-12)


If the noise bothers you, go to the countryside. The clubs have enough suffered with Covid. No more drama please.

Lorris Palusci (Uccle, 2023-01-12)


Culture matters

Jonathan Gravet (Charleroi , 2023-01-12)


Fuse is the techno’s house in brussel!!

Luna Burattini (Forest, 2023-01-12)


Si ça ferme, c'est une page culturel de l'histoire de bxl qui s'eteind !!!

Wullaert Adrien (Couvin, 2023-01-12)


Not possible to close an iconic club of Brussels night scene because of a complaint from one single person.

Marco P (Molenbeek, 2023-01-12)


This iconic club is Belgian heritage! This can’t end!

Nikki Van Opstal (Houtvenne, 2023-01-12)


It’s a legend! And should stay that way for future music lovers!!

Greg Nys (Antwerpen, 2023-01-12)


Parce que ce genre de procédures me dégoûte

Axel Leplat (Morialmé, 2023-01-12)


Brussels is dying when it comes to good club and good music. We need to keep it alive. Antwerpen is to dangerous. Save Le Fuse for Brussels club fans.

Sarah-Jane White (Tervuren , 2023-01-12)


I’ve been going to Fuse for more than 10 years and I think it’s a club that represents the city of Brussels and it’s iconic night life

luca carboni (Saint Gilles , 2023-01-12)


Because the fuse has to survive!

Alex Heyman (Sint niklaas, 2023-01-12)


I’m signing because it’s a shame

Clara Richard (Lille, 2023-01-12)


De buur kocht het huis toen de club er al was dus fok hem

Flor Dens (Antwerpen, 2023-01-12)


Fuse moet gewoon openblijven!

Jonas Rijmenams (Kampenhout, 2023-01-12)


Fuse is a monument of techno belgium place

Thibaud Stradiot (Jette, 2023-01-12)


I m signing because i want the fuse open.

Molina Sandoval Yander (Brussels , 2023-01-12)


Zo erg om te vernemen dat Brusselse iconische club #Fuse moet sluiten door klacht van 1 buur. Is zoals een huis kopen naast de luchthaven en klagen dat er vliegtuigen over uw huis vliegen. Plus, de impact van een goeie club op een stad en haar nachtleven maar ook de economie is veel groter dan gedacht. Kijk naar Berlijn.

Stef Bettens (grimbergen, 2023-01-12)


I use to go out at Fuse and it’s a mytic club in Brussels

Verniers Arnaud (Halle, 2023-01-12)


Je suis un habitué du fuse, et je trouve cela triste de fermer une boîte qui est là depuis 30 ans, a cause d’une seule personne qui se plaint. Je pense qu’il était au courant qu’il y avait une boîte a cet endroit là ! Inadmissible.

Pardonge Benjamin (Binche, 2023-01-12)


For the love of music, club culture I can't let this happen
And working there too

Jade Briand (Bruxelles, 2023-01-12)


Comme une deuxième maison pour moi, c’est un incontournable de Bruxelles, sauvons notre ville !

JEssica Pauwels (Bruxelles, 2023-01-12)


Fuse is an iconic club and has to be kept open.

Lene Sepandi (Mechelen, 2023-01-12)


I want to go to Fuse

Sam Verone (Halle, 2023-01-12)


it's part of the culture of Brussels

Eliot Wathelet (Brussels, 2023-01-12)


It isn’t just about the Fuse, it is about the whole city going nowhere. Brussels is dying and the city is fine with it. Bars, clubs, events are closing one by one because a small minority is bored and can’t enjoy life anymore.
It’s the Fuse, It’s been there for 29 years, wtf is wrong with the city.
This is just unacceptable, from the city and the one who complained. Don’t buy next to the oldest techno club if you can’t handle parties.

Maxime Welbes (Bruxelles, 2023-01-12)


I adore Fuse! We can't let this happen because of one person. Fuse is one of the most important symbols of the Belgian clubscene.

Anaïs Smets (Leuven, 2023-01-12)


Belgische geschiedenis !
Belgisch erfgoed !

Tom Lievens (Herentals, 2023-01-12)


Cultural significance

Max MARTIS (Brussels, 2023-01-12)


C’est le meilleur club au monde.
J’y vais depuis les années 2000.
Une honte au gouvernement bruxellois !

Stéphane Vandecruys (Groot bijgaarden, 2023-01-12)



Filip De Cock (Tielt, 2023-01-12)


I love techno! Love the club and people!

Nele Asselman (Erembodegem , 2023-01-12)


Fuse needs to stay

Michiel Claus (Brussels, 2023-01-12)


Institutions like FUSE should be protected against 'complaints' from narrow minded *******s!

Davy Leus (Wetteren , 2023-01-12)


De fuse is ******* LEGENDARY

Mike Helsen (Westerlo, 2023-01-12)