Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



Alla djur, precis som människor har rätt att leva oavsett om dom inte kan se eller ej!!

Susanna Raske (Eskilstuna, 2021-07-29)


Vad är nästa steg? Avliva välmående blinda människor?

Sofie Emanuelsson (Stockholm , 2021-07-31)


Jag skriver under pga att blinda katter inte ska behöva avlivas. Såvida inte djuret lider av enorm smärta. Det blir som att vi ska döda människor eftersom att d är blinda

Josefin Larsson (Åmål , 2021-08-01)


Självklart ska denna fina varelse få leva!
Sänder ljus och värme till Kelly och hennes familj!

Therese Gruvell (Hässleholm, 2021-08-02)


Klart lilla Kelly ska leva. Tycker inte man ska avliva en katt för att den är blind. De är ju inte så att man avlivar människor för att dom är blinda. Låt katten leva. Och vara i ett kärleksfullt hem

Emily Gyllenbåga (Gävle, 2021-08-03)


Känner till flertalet blinda katter och katter som blivit av med sin mor i tidig ålder som lever sina bästa liv trots det. Okunskapen bland dem som vill avliva Kelly är en skandal.

Melker Nyström (Göteborg, 2021-08-04)


I have an elderly kitty who is blind, but functions extremely well in m home, along with other kitties. She has a great quality of life, and I plead that you will reconsider euthanizing this kitten just because she is blind Also, just LOOK how many cat lovers are willing to give her a loving home!

Scotti Wilkinson (Cypress, 2021-08-04)


It's cruelest form to put down a otherwise healthy and happy cat. It goes to show the ignorance of government officials.

Tom Jackson (Pittsburgh, 2021-08-04)


I rescued a 4 week old blind-from-birth kitten from a dumpster, bottle fed him, treated him with antibiotics for his badly infected eyes, which were glued shut with dried pus. The veterinarian who examined him found him to be completely blind. I and my husband fell deeply in love with him and him with us, and there has never been a sweeter, more loving relationship, nor a deeper, more precious bond than the one shared by our family. Our "Little" Liam is a sweet, precious, extremely stable, mobile, well-adjusted and happy kitty, 11 years later and misses nothing, nor experiences any less love, pleasure, joy, and fulfillment than any of our cats. By design, ALL of our cats are fully adapted indoor cats, who live long healthy lives, protected from the many outdoor wild predators where we live. Not to mention being protected from cruel human predators, people who steal pets to sell to laboratories, or use in dog fighting rings as bait, traffic, chemical exposures, such as weed poisons, fertilizers, leaking auto fluids and poisonous insects and rodent bait. Our Liam is named for Wil(Liam) Wallace, the real, historical man who fought bravely for Scotland's freedom and inspired a novel and the Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart. The boldness, determination, fight, and bravery of William Wallace, called Liam, as a child, by his father in the movie, is what caused me to call our little black furball, Liam, in honor of one so brave. Liam has inspired our family in good times and bad, with his undaunted outlook on life, which, in doing so, has never required eyes. If you had a blind child, would you put them to death, because you feared life would be too cruel for them? Would you have aborted Andrea Bocelli when Drs advised his mother to do so because he might be born with a disability, or perhaps when he was completely blinded in a football accident? Would you have robbed HIM of the immense joy he experiences as well as shares with the entire world, as a blind opera singer, with a talent so rare, beautiful, and with his brave fearless soul? That man rides his beloved horses as well as any horseman, fearlessly, yet with confidence, joy, wisdom and abandon in freedom that is a wonder to behold.

Alecia Newbom (Gold Bar, 2021-08-10)


Högst omoralisk och oetiskt att mörda funktionsnedsatta djur som människor har ssmma värde!!!!

S***e C******e K******a B*****n (Oskarshamn, 2021-09-03)