Sveriges ledande politiker - ta ansvar! Inga undantag vid byggen


/ #12

2016-07-08 11:13

jag studerar i Sverige nu. Jag kommer ifan ett NON-EU land. Två år innan Sverige var fredlig. Men det bli dåligt.

These days I heard some insulting and raped affairs happening in Sweden, which made me uncomfortable. Honestly, more refugees won't contribute to the economy of Swedish society. In contrast, their accomodationexpense will be covered by your tax, which was supposed to be used in improving your guys's medical treatment and kids' education system. However, for their own good, politicians wanna their public image. They don't give a damn on you or your kids. 

Let me tell you what will happen to Sweden:

1, refugees cannot find a job, then they live on all tax you pay(80%)    2, refugees took the jobs in the restaurant, supermarket IKEA ect, leave more and more swedish jobless. (20%)

Your pension? you really think you will get your pension back when your r old enough? Come on ~ 


I don't object to the fact you swedish should take care of them for a while. But not all of them have appreciation and the capacity of sweden is not high enough to accept more refugees. And rich people could imigrate to USA. so the middle class will definately suffer from what the politicians decide.